The Center for Intelligent Transportation Systems (formerly known as the OU ITS Lab), was formed in 1997 for the sole purpose of improving and extending the safety of Oklahoma's streets and highways. It was also created to further the productivity of Oklahoma law enforcement agencies devoted to keeping Oklahomans safe. We provide software and hardware development services to government agencies for the State of Oklahoma in pursuit of
effective and viable solutions to modern problems ranging from traffic control to reporting to enforcement. ***
The Center collaborates with major Oklahoma agencies (sponsors) including the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT), the Oklahoma Highway Patrol (OHP), the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office (OHSO), the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), and the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) on numerous projects.
The problem : A need for real time, centralized, multi agency platform to manage road conditions and incidents for oklahoma highways.
The solution: A web based application created and driven by arcgis esri API and angular javascript. The OK-Roads application is used by multi state agencies to manage road and weather events across the state. The map interface of this system is publicly available.
The problem : A need for statewide tool for analysis and technology
The solution: A web based tool was created. The tool named SAFE-T (Statewide Analysis For Engineering and Technology) allows a user to query for collisions (Collision Analysis), query for the number or type of collisions along a segment of a highway (Sliding scale analysis) and produce a listing of the highest concentration of collision locations for highway and city streets (Concentration listings). All data is then reflected by using powerful google maps representation tools. (access needed)
PARIS is a second generation TraCS software that is used by law enforcement agencies to utilize crash and criminal related data to better identify traffic problem areas, to track enforcement actions and time of patrol within a given geospatial area. This allows for improved data analysis to develop and plan crash perfomance measures.